Monday, October 24, 2011

78. (B)

"Darius turned his chariot and drove
From Gaugamela’s rout, giving the field
To Alexander as he had at coastal Issus.
Philip of Macedon’s child he wouldn’t meet
On equal footing, nor all Persia forfeit –
Regardless of how many times the Greeks
Might trick him with their dubious tactics, he
Would flee into the mountains, the defiles
Of Media. Let the phalanx chase him! Fast!
He left without his wife at Issus, loses
More worldly treasure now as he retreats –
What good to yield and live but not to rule? 
His mother, children, chattel, troops remain
In Alexander's camp; these came to Egypt
With them as trophies; they parade them east.
Twice Alexander’s serried allies broke
The Persian’s careless flank in frightened pieces.
For when he stretched a hole in staggered ranks,
And seized his chance to pierce the Persian line
A second time, a second glorious route, 
The king, not thinking of his wounded thigh,
Thrust toward the tyrant’s chair, striking the teeth
Of Darius’ guard. 
                               The pike took Gaugamela.  

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